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Under TAGDev 1.0, the cassava value chain initiative successfully identified suitable cassava varieties for Nakuru County, Busia County, Kilifi County and Laikipia county significantly enhancing cassava production. Building on this achievement, the TAGDev 2.0 ASEC project seeks to scale out this initiative by skilling and supporting at least 10 farmer groups in the bulking of cassava planting material to ensure improved production. Additionally, the project will support at least 8 farmer groups in advancing value addition, promoting the extraction of starch for industrial use, and processing beyond cassava flour.

The TAGDev 1.0 alumni have been actively involved in community engagement, providing capacity building and market linkages to strengthen local agricultural practices. Initiatives such as the 4-Pillar Give Back project, Inuka Agri solutions, and Lawrenzo Agrovet will play a key role in enhancing agricultural last-mile delivery services, complementing existing government extension services. Through these efforts, at least 20,000 farmers will gain access to critical services, including seed production, bulking, value addition, and extension services. The ASEC project aims to improve the livelihoods of cassava farmers, boost production, and create new market opportunities, contributing to the growth of the cassava industry and rural economic development.
