Dairy Value Chain
In the dairy value chain, under TAGDev 1.0, several start-ups were established in the input supply and value addition sectors. For instance, Trendy Animal Feeds focused on quality feed formulation to improve livestock production, while Comrades Dairy and Candy Cream Dairy specialized in milk value addition and agricultural extension services. Additionally, E-farmu (https://www.efarmu.com/) developed an online dairy management platform for farmers. These four enterprises successfully created over 35 full-time jobs for young people and provided a market for over 300 farmers.
Building on this success, the TAGDev 2.0 ASEC project will leverage the experience and expertise of these existing enterprises to provide a platform for skilling, mentorship, and co-creation of innovations in the dairy sector. The project aims to create jobs for at least 10,000 smallholder dairy farmers, including young men and women, by improving dairy production techniques, enhancing value-added products, and expanding market access. With a focus on innovation and sustainability, TAGDev 2.0 will help transform the dairy value chain, contributing to increased productivity, income, and job creation for young women and men.