TAGDev Entrepreneurship and Innovation
The Agrifood systems and entrepreneurship consortium (ASEC) is dedicated to alleviate youth un-employment in Kenya which is currently estimated at over 33% of the youth population. ASEC will demonstrate how critical entrepreneurship development is to creation of decent and fulfilling employment. ASEC entrepreneurship programs envisage to support the creation of at least 6000 jobs and 75 startups for youths in training (University and TVETs Students), university and TVETs graduates and youth not in employment, education or training (NEET).
Service Philosophy
ASEC envisions to nurture self-reliant, innovative and entrepreneurial young women and men in Africa through facilitating creation and growth of sustainable youth-led enterprises. The expected outcomes for ASEC uses critical success factors for entrepreneurship and job creation which include human-centered interventions, market-relevant skilling, context-sensitive support system, industry linkage, access to finance, scalable approaches and models, enabling policy environment and strategic partnerships. ASEC safeguards inclusivity of conventionally marginalized persons in its entrepreneurship programs by intentionally ensuring that its participants are constituted as follows; 10% differently abled persons, 25% Refugees and Displaced Persons (RDPs’) and 70% young women.
Entrepreneurship Development Services
ASEC acknowledges the dynamic nature of aspirations and capabilities among young women and men. To address the different needs of young women and men with regard to self-employment, ASEC uses a structured entrepreneurship development system that implements various human-centered interventions. The interventions are unique in typology and delivery methodology thereby offering need-based and industry-oriented capacity-building to young women and men. The interventions include;